Harvesting Hope and Change

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” –Albert Camus

Autumn is here, and the slowly transforming leaves are turning into beautiful sights to see. A walk through the cul-de-sac during this time of the year looks like a scene that would be described in a Nicholas Sparks’ novel. The gusting winds are blowing the crunchy, colorful leaves every which way, much to Mowgli’s amusement. Each day brings new colors, new views and new beauty.

It seems like just a couple weeks ago, we were celebrating the summer’s warm weather. The flowers were blooming, and the trees were as green as they could be. Now, all of the colorful leaves are fluttering through the air. We are used to seeing these colors every autumn, but every year they are just as breathtaking.

During other months, you might walk past the trees without thinking anything of them. Now that we are bracing ourselves for the six months of cold weather that is on the way, it is a good time to take in all of the beauty that can be found around us. Look up as you’re walking. Notice the changing colors and embrace the pure beauty. It is not everyday that such beautiful changes in nature surround you.

When the flowers begin blooming in spring, everyone becomes excited for the warmer weather and sunny days that are to follow. Sure, the changing leaves are one sign that winter is on its way, but there is no reason why autumn should not be celebrated as well as spring. Embracing the change, and the beauty, is one manner that can make the cold weather that is on its way much more welcomed.

Consider how every year the leaves fall from their trees. In the spring, every tree grows new leaves and looks just as beautiful. Apply this to your own life. Take autumn as a time to throw away aspects of your life that might be preventing you from transforming. Turn your negativity into blooming seeds of success. Work towards growing in directions that will make you a better you.

Each changing leaf is different from the next. The beauty comes from the idea that with change comes newness. A new season, a new chapter and a new perspective full of hope all make a great reason to dive head first into the changes you have been putting off in your own life.

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